Very high heels. Can anyone really think that these types of footwear were actually made for human feet? Look at any wholesale fashion store for women's styles and sure enough, you are going to see designer heels that include these teetering creations. Stilettos are named after a sword and they look like it, reaching up to 6 centimeters long but with a tiny 1 centimeter bottom. Even so the high high heel remains popular even if scary and precarious.

But the real attraction is the beauty of a super wholesale fashion high heel. And being taller is plain fun! Browsing a wholesale fashion website and finding a pair of strappy black stilettos with 6 centimeter height and an open toe under a lattice work design -- seriously, how can that not make you want to wear them? And have you seen the Lamborghini stiletto? To be sure, it is just a photograph as yet, but don't you have to fall for a heel designed like the well=known Lamborghini emblazoned with headlights? Okay, not a real shoe yet, just a clever advertisement, but wouldn't you bet that one day you will be able to find this flamboyant design or a great look-alike at a wholesale fashion merchandiser who sells footwear?