Exercises for Mass Gain
Rest and a good diet also play an integral role in building mass along with someback exercises for mass. Having bodybuilding supplements after you work out is a good way to support your goals of gaining mass. Have a diet plan that allows you more strength and energy rather than fats, avoid junk food and excess alcohol. Another important thing that we tend to neglect is rest, it is very important to rest the muscle you have exercised, so that it recovers. At least have a 24 hour rest period before you rework the same muscle group. Here are some of the best exercises for mass building:
Bent Over Rows
One of the best back exercises for mass gain is the bent over row. Put desired weights on the barbell and stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Grasp the barbell with a shoulder width grip. You can have one arm over the barbell and the other under the barbell. Get your chest parallel to the floor and lift the barbell until it touches your abs. Exhale as you come up and inhale as you go down. Do 3-4 sets every time increasing the weight and decreasing the repetitions, for example if you are doing 4 sets start the first with 12 reps, next with 10, then with 8 and the last one 6 reps.
Single Arm Rows
The single arm row back workout for mass gain is very effective, if done the right way. Rest your right leg and right arm on a parallel bench. Lean forward to keep your back parallel to the floor, grip a heavy dumbbell with your fully extended left arm. Now pull the dumbbell to your side taking your elbow as up as you can. Concentrate on the lat muscles as you are doing this and feel them contract as you go up and extend as you have a controlled downward motion. For these back exercises with dumbbells get in 4 sets and go heavy with the dumbbells, imagine your range of motion and repetitions before you start, it will help you lift heavy weights.
Pull Ups
As the name suggests you have to get your chin above the bar and only then it will be counted as 1 repetition, no half measures if you want that 'V' shaped back. Grip the bar a little wider than shoulder width and keep your chest out as you pull yourself up. Breathe out as you go up, get your chin over the bar and hold for a second. Come down in a controlled motion and then go back up, do 10-12 reps and 3-4 sets. Many guys try and do this exercise by building momentum although it looks good for the onlookers it isn't as effective as doing the pull ups in a controlled motion.
Lat Pull Downs
There are two ways of doing the lat pull down exercises for mass gain, in the first one grip the bar on the lat machine shoulder width apart and pull the bar till it comes to chest level. Make sure that your chest is out and the shoulders aren't dropping or curved inwards when you pull down. Another way of doing this is pulling the bar behind your head. Grip the bar at the curve end and tilt your head forward and pull the bar behind your head till it touches your trap muscles. Lat pull downs are a good addition to your weight training regimen for building back mass.
Dead Lifts
One of the best exercises for mass building is the dead lift, it will strengthen your lower back and also give you the 'V' shape you longed for. Place the barbell with desired weight in front of you and stand as close to it as you can. Keep your feet shoulder width apart and grip the bar with an alternate grip, one palm facing up the other down. Now sit down as if you are doing a full squat, then stand up by pushing your heels into the ground and lifting the barbell. Remember, use your legs to lift the bar and not your back, once you are in the standing position go back down slowly and place the bar back on the ground. Wait for a second or two and repeat the motion, do 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps of these barbell exercises.
These back exercises for mass will help you get a good shape and will also develop the size of your muscles. The mantra to a good mass gaining routine is eat right, sleep tight and work hard in the gym.