Bronzer Makeup Tips
Before applying bronzer, you must follow these bronzer makeup tips to know the correct procedure for applying bronzer. Too much application will render you face dull, clumsy, dirty and fake.
STEP # 1 - Choose a bronzer depending on your skin tone and what type of effect you want. Select shades a bit darker than your skin tone. Honey color bronzer suits a fair skin. A rose bronzer or gold flecked bronzer is ideal for medium complexion, whereas for dark complexion tawny or amber bronzer is the best. Blondes can opt for pink bronzer, while orange bronzer is for brunettes.
STEP # 2 - When you choose the brush, go for a soft fluffy brush. The top should be round so that blending bronzer with your skin can be done with perfection. A sable with natural fibers is the best bronzer makeup brush.
STEP # 3 - Clean your skin thoroughly before applying bronzer. Never apply oil or moisturizer before because this causes the bronzer to stick on your skin leaving uneven patches on your skin. Do not apply foundation either because it makes the face look muddy after applying bronzer. Dab some powder all over your face before spreading the bronzer. If your skin is very dry, apply a sheer moisturizer before applying powder.
STEP # 3 - Now circle the brush evenly in the bronzer and take out little on the tip of the brush. Do not load the brush too much. Make sure it has evenly filled the brush. Clean the brush off excess bronzer for a smooth application.
STEP # 4 - Now apply it with soft touches over the parts that are naturally hit by sun. Use gentle strokes over your forehead and then work it down on your nose. Gradually sweep the brush over your cheek. You can also highlight your chin mildly. Build the color you exactly want. Highlight the cheekbones and jawbones to give prominence to your features.
STEP # 5 - Do not dab the bronzer heavily over your face. Blending is the most important part of bronzer makeup. You can also spread it with a cotton pad or dab some more loose powder, if you feel the color is a bit dark. Check the bronzer in daylight and be careful that you have not overdone the effect.
There are a wide range of vitamin enriched bronzers available in cosmetics stores. Pick from good brands that suit your skin the best. Some of the types of bronzers are pressed powder bronzer, sunless tanner and bronzer, deep tanning bronzer, aerosol bronzers, etc. Make sure the bronzer is long lasting and doesn't fade away soon. Oil free bronzers are also available for oily skins.
To get a sun-kissed complexion and highlighted beauty bones, go for a bronzer makeup. I'm sure you will find these bronzer makeup tips useful.